
By Fans, For Fans, and Hopefully Not as Expensive as Fanime

Now that I've made my decision to blaze-a-blaze (galang-alang-alang-lan) ahead on the research paper topic for the associative argument website, and have joined up with the illustrious forces of Amanda, I suppose the next idea would be to start brainstorming ideas of layout, and content.

First off, there will be some included content on both our research papers, the gamut running from fanfiction value as a creative tool and teaching tool in the classroom, to the professional value and validity of derivative fan work (fan art, fan fiction, remix/mash-ups).

Love this like its your own child.

Also included will be some fan work, specifically fan fiction from both of us and hopefully other collaborators I know, so maybe starting an "example" gallery of fan work (I know for a fact I'm recruiting my buddy J-MACHine into this hullabaloo.  He doesn't know yet as of posting >D).

I'm also considering the idea of having comments available for discussions.  If not in each section, then maybe in a main discussion page.  My main goal was to incite some talking about fan work.

What technie things I DO want to know how to do (seeing as I've NEVER built a website):
--How to embed a comment box or like code to allow for feedback/discussion/etc

--How to embed music links, both for listening purposes and perhaps downloading (in the case of non-commercial artists).  At the very least, I want a way for people to click on hyperlinks for music and not need to navigate too far from the main page (cutting out the possibility of getting lost on the way to last.fm, for example).

--Making sure I can embed youtube links, like you can in a blog.  I'm fairly certain they shouldn't be a problem.  But I'm covering my bases.

Hopefully, it'll be fun, interactive, and good enough for a good grade. :3

1 comment:

  1. Desiree ~

    Holy Canolli! You are on fire! First, you have just been a'commentin' all over this class.

    And, I have never seen that mash up before (because I am old), and I love it! I really have to make a more concerted effort to be hip . . .

    Your ideas are great -- you and Amanda have a fun, solid idea. And, you have some very good tech questions that I hope can be answered soon.

    As you said at the end of your previous post, "I am really getting excited for this assignment."

    ~ Cathy
