With my brand new invite to the new Google Wave in my in box, I tackle this new-fangled writing space with the gusto of a shark on chum.
Google Wave boasts a lot of new features to the world of writing. What with everyone and their mother jumping aboard the Google wagons (and it becoming a beloved search engine with plenty of odd offshoots like Mystery Google, which has like its name, mysteriously vanished from the internet), attaching various online services together with a single Google ID, the obvious next step was to allow for these connections to be used to collaborate in real-time, better, faster, and presumably stronger than before most IM services.
This new tech was announced late May of 2009 at the Google I/O conference, with a September release to users, into November. I myself had no clue as to what it was, only that my loving boyfriend sent the invite to try it (in fact, he had sent me my invite to gmail, so I can easily blame him for the addiction, should I get one).
Looky above. My first venture into the cool blue world of Google Wave was crisp, clean, and...."like WHOA". Part IM service, part document engine, I'm stunned by the efficient looking interface. Its actually pretty cute looking. Of course, this stark plain of blues and whites was a bit daunting. So, running MSN in the background, I recruited my boyfriend into helping me take my first dip.
By way of grabbing me by the waist and throwing me into its cold depths. He says he loves me.
Note on the left, you'll see my current writing crutch, MSN. To the right is the interface, with his new wave ready and raring to go. You click the wave and dive right in. Note its using your google ID, etc, etc. Yes. The fact I could see him, in real time, type in the name of the wave and begin to write, seems like WITCHCRAFT.

At right, you'll see how the wave starts working. Not unlike a forum post, you can reply to posts and the such, but as a bonus, you can also edit within the thread as its being written, in real time. Not unlike an IM or text, you can communicate freely, yet edit your own replies, unlike being stuck with an uneditable message for all to see.
So far, I'm liking this writing space/tool. A lot of my personal work is collaborative, or at the very least, always open for suggestion as I write. Now, I'll have the option of being able to write something, then get instant feedback, or even edits as I go with a co-collaborator. I'm fairly interested and raring to go now that I have my sea-legs google-legs. *insert goofy surfing lingo pun here*
Desiree ~
ReplyDeleteGreat! I was hoping someone in the class would be lucky enough to score an invite to Google wave. Tre elite!
Also, you win for best title (I love a good Alannis reference : )
~ Cathy
Wow, now I want an invite to googlewave! It looks intense. I love that you included picture links to what you were doing and talking about. I'm excited to see what you learn through your use of this new site.
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous you got a Google Wave invite! I am so curious to find out other things that the website offers..can you blog on it? Or is it more like an IM service with email and such? I really enjoyed the screen shots on your blog...very helpful when reading your descriptions of your experience with the site. I look forward to you becoming addicted to the site and filling us in on more elite google wave info!