
This is College Life 1

Next door to my public speaking class, John Cleese, we think.  A ringer in any case.  Awesome.

Overlooked a girl's shoulder, watched her text a friend who texted her that he had elephantitis of the dick.  Her response: "Ewww, so its all wrinkly and gray. lol"

Professor pops the top of her soda.  Its is on now, class.  It is ON.

Troy is a city of western influence....one crappy movie.....harshin' my buzz like so many awkward teens on so many Rosdowers.

A girl with a tattoo like a magic seal.  Her shoulder is a save point.

Heroic Code: I put my life on the line for Timé and Kleos; for the Benjamins and the Nookie and the fame.